Saturday, 2 January 2016

Carole Kinoti | Expressions of Interest

Hey ya'll.

New year New beginnings!! I have not written in a while because... well because. But here I am again.

Last Year (sounds so far away now) I was at Carole Kinoti's New label launch. It was a smash!! Fantastic show. Great people. Great style. Carole did not disappoint.

The show was choreographed by Letoya Johnstone. Folks worked hard. The entire evening was good. I believe you saw us in the news?

Just a quick one on this collection. It was not a collection it was an entire range. I have picked up some of my favourites in no particular order.

For the pieces Carol used bold colours, bold prints and lots and lots of silk. Perfections! She took some risks, but pulled everything off beautifully.

I am excited about her next collections. This was a remarkable start!

The Carole Kinoti Label also does home - basically lots of cool fashionably chic stuff for your interiors. You wanna check those out too.

Effortlessly chic.

That yellow dress floored me. It moved and flowed on the model like it had a life of its own. Love love the colour too.

The kenyan summer is here, so what you want to be seen doing is wearing silk Kaftans. Was ever so glad they had a plus size model, (I hope that is the politically correct word) She was stunning!

This season, choose colour. Be bold. Be brave. I shouldnt even be telling you this.

And because some of you never believe when I say I was there front row. Here is me next to Olive Gachara - We are cool, no need to go over my Couture review. She is cool beans. Olive if you do not know is Editor Couture Magazine- Africa.

To find Carole Kinoti
Please visit her website ckinoti
Instagram @carole_kinoti
Or just go to the shop on Marcus Garvey Road - Off Argwings Kodhek.

Oh and The Real Letoya!! Waving to you doll and wave to the beautiful Connie Aluoch. She was in the house.

Connie Aluoch, Carole Kinoti and Doreen Mbaya-Mwai.

It is going to be a great year in Kenyan Fashion. I promise you.



  1. I am glad this post is up. To more in 2016

  2. I love the color and fabric she has used. It truly is summer :)

  3. Beautiful dresses these.. Love tge the prints on the silks
