Friday, 19 December 2014

The Holidays and Amazing fashion!!!

Hi ya'll!! its been a while? Anyhuu the holidays are here!!! Since I know most of you have gone to the village,
I have decided to leave a likkle something for the city folks here. Ya'll know how I love Bonang Matheba so that is why her glorious self is staring at you. So as usual be inspired. I have been
feeling less inspired of late as the Nairobi tings have been getting to me, but am not dwelling on
bad things!

So lets get on with it.
Bonang is here to wave to you happy holidays!!! and also because she gets dressed by somebody
I know!!! Kat van Duinen! We are friends on facebook and I think we met in Antwerp or I just dreamed that, if we did then drinks must have been flowing. She is an extraordinary woman and an extremely talented designer her attention to detail is well, you can see for yourself
I was going through her page and writing block disappeared. Please do not ask me why I have never shared her work with you. These things do happen.

Kat van Duinen (AW15 Collection) 

Kat's pieces are unique, effortlessly chic, feminine, edgy, flattering, vibrant and did I mention FEMININE and sexy.  I loved this collection because I really do love black.

Because I cannot say it better.... here is something from her website....

"Kat’s passion for stylish simplicity, effortless elegance and attention to detail drove her to follow her dream and start Kat van Duinen Design in Cape Town, in 2010. Through her eponymous label, Kat’s European heritage and love for the vibrancy and richness of South Africa have been fused into a unique blend of European minimalist style with accents of striking African prints and electric hues. A labour of love, every handmade piece is produced with painstaking care, showcasing the skill of South African workmanship as Kat keeps her promise that every single item is proudly made in Cape Town." 


Like I said edgy!!


It is in the details.
So if you are down in SA please pass by her shop and treat yourself! For the rest of you follow her on Facebook Page or get more info and order from her web page Having said that. My new years resolution which starts now, is I will be keeping my posts short and I will not make any promises, because obviously I never keep them.


You know we are still doing books. It is a mission!
I got this book Ancient Ancient from the special one. It is an amazing amazing book. That I want to ask you to get. You know I love books and we have been working on the reading project so those coming into class late, start reading. Kiini Ibura Salaam left me breathless and head spinning.


Because I know there are some of you who will not touch a book unless somebody important has
read it. Please go to Sofia Samatar's Blog and read the conversation she had with Kiini, that should give you more insight and I hope prompts you to go find this book pronto! And while there go through the blog and learn something:-) Merry Christmas!!! 


Thursday, 6 November 2014

Of Art, Fashion and Women

Hello good people. So just quick the picture of Ellen Degeneres and Portia is up there because of late that is my new look. Lesbian chic is what they are calling that look these days. And of course I am a big fan of Ellen. I have been crazy busy with new things and Fashion has kind of taken a
back seat. I am just not feeling it.

I have gone ahead and bought shoes similar to these (below); I also took several pairs of jeans from my brothers:-)

Love love both shoes, so these days I can be seen shopping for shoes at Bata's men section. I have been meaning to write on so many things, but nothing is exciting fashion-wise, because women
have been doing some crazy things in this town that I do not understand.

What I was not getting

Let's start with Verah Sidika's current situation. Ya'll know her right. Let me just put it out there
that Verah Knows her shit. She knows what she is good at and she is using it to stay alive.

So the way I see it Verah made a conscious decision as an adult to change her skin colour. Obviously I do not agree with that. Verah has also enhanced her breasts. She made that choice as an adult. I may not like it.
I am basically anti drastically changing anything in your body, but if I turn 70 and my breast is past
my navel, trust me I am going under the knife.

So what's with the hate??? Verah is doing her thing why would you go on her space and hate her? How is that changing your lifestyle?

The very worst is some people are going around saying she is a bad example to our girls. Lemmi
ax you something, that time your child is taking on Verah as a role model, what's your ass doing
as a parent? I remember when we were growing up, even back then bad stuff was going on in the world. But mama made sure we knew what shit is in her house and what she expects of her babies. We knew the line. You where not coming to my mom and saying you want to wear a micro miniskirt because everybody is wearing it.
That is how I see it. And that bad picture of hers that was going around, she was obviously in a club or some stuffy place and  I have also been preaching here about women making bad makeup decisions.

And have you been to Verah's facebook page, that woman don't give a fuck about your hate, she
just going around doing her thing, being nice to everyone.  Traveling on private jets.
The hate on her page is MASSIVE. But she is cool as Ice! I really love that in a woman. If she is using her body to make money, it is her body and ultimately her vagina. Get over it.

Even Kate Moss looks bad after clubbing, look how she walked in looking chic and on leaving?
So I wasn't getting that hate AT ALL!!

So while I was thinking about how best to mention that. That man came up with that group called
I was pissed off because here are these women, embarrassing themselves in public and really all single mothers. Men sometimes do not stand up to take responsibility. YES. But to post the pictures
of this man and YOUR CHILDREN on facebook?!!! Come ONNNN!
I do not know why most of this women did not realise they are actually not doing themselves and their offspring any good. Your child is going to go to school one day and every other kid is going
to go 'ooohhh your dad is deadbeat' Allyu know the internet don't forget shit!
We are the women, we take responsibility or fight it in court. I have single parents on my list that
are absolutely brilliant and resilient, and still teaching their kids to be good to their fathers.
Back to my mom again, my parents divorced and we stay with my dad. And you know there are sometimes as a teenager you just dont feel dad. So there was this one time I was at her place and going on and on about dad, she shuuush me up and said he is STILL your father! You speak of
 him with respect at all times and especially around me. See where I am going with that.

So I have been an angry black woman with a bottle of gin.

Njoki Chege

Then there was Njoki the blogger, who was telling long storos of why men are leaving us.
This is the opinion of one woman. Chicks were vexed! So you know when I read that and then
read the subsequent backlash, I was not getting that either, because I am thinking if you know you
are none of those things she said. Why are you soooo upset?!
If you have a man that loves you just as you are, nagging, fat, bonny, black, chafu, but you are
happy why get upset about what some random woman has said on the net. That is not you, so why you so angry?, unless of course she is right. Then the only retort in my opinion must be, "that's
right bitch! That motherfucker left me because nimejiacha so what?!!! I am happy being me"!
Or she is right and you are all those things she said and you are upset and bitter.<<<< that is a sad case.

I have been feeling some negative energy from the women folks that is not inspiring at all. Fashion seemed so trivial in the face of current things. But I still love love fashion to bits!.
By the way, do you know I have not got that good camera I was talking about last year?!!! I think
I should fungua an MCHANGA account so ya'll can contribute!!! I have given you too much for free!!!!!! But I will post my new looks and we are going to talk about fashion!!

Kwanza I have been meaning to talk about "pregnancy photos and how to dress for it" because
some of your bellies that you are putting out there in public......*shaking head and wisoling*

Let me just remind us all once again that this are my opinions, but you are as always free to share with us what you think. Comment section is open.

Contemporary African Art & Books

Ya'll know how I love books!!!! I have been doing a mini personal "Reading Is Sexy" Campaign. I love books, books are good for the soul, books comfort, books are fun, books jog the brain. I would wish for people to read more!! So that is one area I have been sending my energy.

I have completely thrown myself into the Art scene. I love art. I love contemporary Art. Do you know kenya has a myriad of artists that have amazing work? Si zile za jumping masaais and the sprawling african sunsets and the obligatory lion and leopards, we have much more!! and rediscovering that has been an absolute delight!!

I have been honoured to work with Syowia Kyambi who is an Installation & Performance artist. Yeah art is not just about singing, dancing, painting and acting.

It has been AMAZEBALLZ!!. So I have been doing the Kenyan Art Circle, meeting artists, and these interesting people who are almost like me.

There are several art spaces, and galleries that are really worth visiting, you will be blown over. And there are Book spaces and reading gatherings that you will want to know. I will put them up in another post.

And serious and shit! That is how I have been spending my time. So of course yesterday I was at
the first ever  Kenya Art Fair. Some amazing stuff and some not so good. At this rate, I am going
to be an art critic one day.

I have also decided, I am going to keep my posts a bit short - hahaha!  But yeah in here is going to have more books and art and of course Fashion.

The Kenya Art Fair is going on till Sunday, roof top of Sarit Centre.

I do hope you are going to stick around with the other Damaris who loves books and Art too and
feels the need to write about that!! Have you noticed out new blog look?:-)


Tuesday, 9 September 2014

This Has Been A long Time Coming!

Hi ladies and gents:-) I know! I know. But I am going to explain to you in the greater details why I have been off radar like that! Just thought I start this post off with Our Sai who looks stunning as usual!

So, I have been having this writers block. There are stories and things to write about but just no motivation. Anyway jana it came back to me in the most weirdest way!! I was walking to my friends, she lives huko past Bomas. I had my earphones on at full blast! Just kidogo past the cemetery, this guy walks past me, then I think he was calling me or something, I turn back and hes says "Una kaa smart?" He said that while giving me his hand, and you know the way mama taught me, if someone gives you a hand you shake it - firmly. He was still wanting to say something but I said my thanks and walked on. 5m away I go into complete panic mode (Nairobi has became a dangerous place of late) I start thinking of those storos we used to hear of the way a person shakes your hand and then you just start fuataing them till Tanganyika. 

Then I started thinking so this is how I am going to end? I said to myself I walk out of this thing I am going to be like one of those sects in my village, Legio Maria I think, those guys do not shake peoples hands. You give them your hand to shake, they clap. Can be very embarrassing for you, but now I see the advantage, no more shaking peoples hands. Yaani I thought about that thing the whole distance to my friends, I had also been listening to Liquid Deep and Tear Gas. I am just thinking is this the song I am going to arrive with at the pearly gates! scary times I tell you.

The other reason I have been under the radar, I met someone, I am in love and stuff!!! haha! good things happen to people like us too! The way the other time I was here here wanting to kill that other man, you remember the one I was telling you about? He is getting married by the way. That thing pissed me off, then I met this guy and things changed. Mpaka I was thinking and noooooow? What was I doing the whole time with that man? 
Anyways am pretty excited, people should be in love every single day. If it is not working with one person, do not sweat it, okay you are allowed to go batshit crazy for some weeks, but then try and move on, I know it is difficult. And have you noticed you always meet that one when you are not looking?

Okaaaaayy!!!!! Lets get down to business!


I checked in the dictionary again, na wamesema hapo
  1. 1.
    wearing no clothes; naked.
    "a painting of a nude model"

    synonyms:naked, stark naked, bareunclothedundressed, disrobed, stripped,uncladau naturel, without a stitch on, in one's birthday suit, in the raw, in the altogether, in the buff;

Have you understood that thing? Surely it should then go without saying that if you a wearing nude heels or nude lingerie it should make you look like you are not wearing that piece for lingerie and heels should be almost same colour as your skin no?

Anyway me that is the way I see it. I have seen on lots of blogs by Africans and black women in general, yeah even kenyan fashion bloggers, women be going like, here is me in my peplum and nude heels.. please!

Chick that is not nude, you are wearing beige heels, BEIGE is the colour you are wearing. If you have skin tone like this girl and you juuuuust must use the word nude, BROWN is your nude, NOT Beige.

This is nude on a white/light skinned person. You see these bloggers with skin tones like Alek Wek and I combined talking about beige, but calling it nude, me huko am thinking, why is she cheating us. Then we are going to embarrass ourselves in public!

This picture is called Kelly-Rolland-with-Nude Heels.jpg. Yeah Right!!

On lingerie.
Do you think I would sound normal if me me Damaris wore underwear this colour and posted here ati am wearing "nude"? Ujinga ndio tutaacha...

If you want to go nude, its not even rocket science find things closest to your skin tone. The good folks over at Nubian Skin is set to launch the real nude for us women of color. Praise the Lord!!!

THAT is what nude should look like. Si ati because white people are saying nude nude, then you and your black as black self goes and wears beige heels and then you tell us you are wearing NUDE!! But surely, have you noticed these girls stomachs? is that normal? Kesho mimi huyo jogging left and right!

Nude=Naked meaning whatever it is, should look like you are going full commando. If you think not, I am willing to hear your storos.

MBFW- New York

Si you know that thing  - MBFZ- has been going on, so I hope you have been following, as I had said earlier, I am not in the fashion scene these days much. But I had a look peek. If you have no idea where to start - meaning you have never heard of google, no worries, start at their facebook page - Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.

David Tlale represented us well, I have not seen other african designers, so if somebody know who is brilliant showcased please feel free to share. I will tell the rest of us about it.

If you have been watching music videos of late, you might have realised this is the official look. I will be frank I am tired of it. Chicks have to start wearing skirts again. Anyway when I saw this, I thought about another picture I had posted on my FB page huko kitambo in 2010, imagine this was on back then,  Beyonce in an african print shorts in Brazil or something, si it is tired and we did not like this outfit then.

The way we nyambuad this outfit, little did we know that it would become a worldwide plague. I watched MT'Vs video awards that last one, all the girls who performed, ALL of them wore these big panties. And you know its not like we are being original, not that there is really anything original about fashion, but frankly I think it is enough. We got this idea from the greats

Ms. Tina Turner and Ms. Diana Ross

But look at the way they were rocking those looks, with POWER!! Lakini us, and if you look we are not even that much different but, akina Ms. Tina had class with it, us our girls are just vulgar, I mean did
you see Niki Minaj's performance?? We are vulgar.

Talking of Vulgar, there was that video that was going around of some ugandan chick called Panadol sijui what. I nearly killed myself. Please do not google it, there are things that cannot be unseen, best you remain in the dark!

I wish we could move to old school glam, I know am old, but it would be so cool to see an artist on stage that way, it would be so different it would be refreshing. Look at Diana Ross here before a performance!

I am also one to  ALWAYS give credit where it is due. I thought Taylor Swift looked really good. Now umm I should probably start stalking our kenyan starlets and check out their style trends; This thing of always bringing american stars up is not hemping us, we must bring our own people to the fore front. Though frankly if you ask me, the only young stylish artist that comes to my mind is 


Love love her style, in fact I love everything about this girl! She is stunning!

The eyebrows of the other chic though:-( boomerang.

Why I love Kambua, Kambua is sooooo sooooooooo effortlessly cool, it hurts, and then she is bubbly and nice and beautiful, she is fun to watch, all girls should follow her religiously, she will also lead you to being spiritual about your faith! Seriously what more can you ask for?

Miss Karun

Thing with Karun is her edge, she is edgy, so I like her because that is kind of me, she mixes girly with boy chic, (actually the word now is lesbian chic) I love love her style, and then she has talent, I will pay good money to her concert. Love her!

So yeah ladies and ladies gents:-) thats about it for today? I do hope that I am going to continue writting more regularly, I appreciate feedback, comments, and I am just grateful for the love you have shown me. This thing has to start making some money though, maze you guy! it is work!! Did  I mention that we are going on EBRU AFRICA TV?

Cheers and see you on the next post

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Seriously? Where are our Celebrities and their Fabulous Selfs?

Our Headmistress' birthday was 3 days ago, so she has been travelling the globe looking fabulous 
and celebrating! Which makes me think how I want to have her life for like 4 weeks! Happy 
Birthday darling. 
Now, having said that, are you seeing that kaftan and how it is work of art in its own right? She is getting this from Dubai Kaftans. Ebu go there and admire and order some.

Then you know I have been looking for our kenyan female celebs left and right and frankly I do 
not know where to find them. Where are they? and who are they? Anyway I spotted a celeb, 
Jacky (Wilbroda from Papa Shirandula for those who do not know) a good friend of mine by the way, spotting something similar to Sai's

I love the african turn Jacky's has taken. So now I am going to just stay here and not go to Dubai! I have yards of chiffon in my house that are probably being eaten by moths. I feel inspired all over again. And no, I do not know who the other lady is.

Anyway if you know where those celebs are let a woman know.


I am friends with Nick on Facebook. I have never met him, or maybe I have who knows. I think 
Nick is the only kenyan designer I know who does men's wear, and he is very good. So if you are looking for something for the husband, call him. I always advise against being too extravagant 
with the boyfriend. I mean you can buy colognes, aftershaves and ties, but really no need to invest 
too much there if it is not on paper that he is yours permanently. (You can tell why I am still single 
by that alone)

Look at the way he is smart. I am digging that look kabisa kabisa!!! It does help if your designer has his shit together, it inspires confidence.
Anyway no need to get carried away. Nick has been dressing Sauti Sol forever and you do remember the first shot on that video you where gooing over?

Eeeee, that one. If you could get your eyes off the abs for 5 seconds, (thank you). But good Lord!! that is pure sex right there standing on two feet!! Anyway, I am talking about the pants, that is Nick's work.
I have picked up some of my favourites pieces from his facebook page. Enjoy, get inspired and call the man. And stop copying copying stuff.

I think this guy is famous, or maybe not, but he looks like he is famous. It is good to note that, 
Nick has single handedly revolutionised the kenyan man into wearing the bold african prints, and 
to love color. And by that I do not mean the kenyan man was never wearing african, its just that 
Nick has taken this print to Italy. If you do not believe me just go to Blankets and Wines. 

I thought its best to start with the mens' stuff because well, that is rare in my books, I am sure KikoRomeo does menswear, I know this just because she did some outfits for the Kenyan Rugby Team a while back and I you know KiKoRomeo is not main stream, she is up market and stuff.

Nick can make a woman look good too, he knows women. He has dressed celebrities, but I was also at his page and me I did not recognise those women. I really need to update myself on this front. So do not forget that you should be helping me help myself. Maybe I should look up Sarah Hasan. She dresses very well.

I really do love what Nick has done with these dresses. This is the kind of look I like for the bridesmaids, every cut is done to suit the maid's individual taste. It has that look of togetherness but still unique! plus, and this is very important, these pieces can be worn again.

This was from the last FAFA show I think. We might never know what inspired the folks over at FAFA to place a metallic mutant duck smack in the middle of the runway. But for now we shall assume it is some high artistry.
Anyway, please swing by Nick's Facebook Page for more. And when you get there, remind him that I sent you, so that when I go to get my order, I get a massive discount.

Did I mention somewhere that I love shirts? Well this direction Nick is going made me think of what I should be doing to pimp up my shirts. I have an idea, that I am sure has been thought of by other people worldwide by 2 million people. I am thinking of having shirts done like this.

But with any kind of african print, even leso.
I am going to sleep; I will think about the rest tomorrow.
You have a good one!

Friday, 2 May 2014


Good friday boys and girls. Lets just get to that picture up there. Now you know the way 
I get excited excited every time our TOI here gets a nod from important persons? 
YES! Bata gave us a nod, how cool is that, its not that it was a certificate or a medal, 
but a small comment on that Converse post I had done previously. 
If you do not remember read something HERE.
So I was not lying about getting my Northstar. Just wanted to get that off my chest. 
Okay I wanted to thump my chest.

There is a universal code somewhere out there, that a chucks shot must be 
accompanied by beer. I follow rules.

So I was browsing the net the other day when I came across something that is worth 
mentioning. Women take clothes seriously. Really if we did not, do you think I would 
be here. Kate Moss is back at TOPSHOP, I really do love this Kate and her cheap high 
end stuff. Affordable and great.

Yaani this is how the humans came out to meet Ms. Moss' new collection. I know I love
clothes but surely, this is a bit too much.
But that aside, Ms. Moss showed up and showed out!!

I await for next season so I can look like that. It is only time then all these will be at Gikosh 
and Toi. Patience pays. I read that somewhere and I am very sure the person who came 
up with this phrase is a poor person.

I have picked out some pieces from the collection I liked for your consideration enjoyment. 
Be inspired and if you have relas huko London, ask them to send you something. 
Otherwise be inspired.

You know how I love leather and leather like small jackets? well here is my favourite!!!

And what would the world be without sequins? Somebody should volunteer to reward 
me for the thankless payless job and I am doing over at TOI and just buy me this 
jacket and the sequinned top.

Last but not least for the bohemian chic. There you go! I want to strongly suggest this 
look to the corporate girl, you know on weekends and girls night out? there is a look 
your people are expecting sindio, there is a way people expect you to look as a corporate 
woman, go full throttle   ethnic. Then walk into the room and be very stern like main 
British and say "The Queen has a arrived" You will thank me for the look on their faces.


Ya'll know big panties are good. They are comfortable and...... well comfortable. But I have 
noticed the girls want to have their cake and eat it  (I have never understood that phrase) 
I am sure it is not appropriate here but just roll with it. I was saying you cannot wear big panty and want to wear a tight dress or trouser.

Do you see the problem? I thought so. Seriously what could possible be nice about this? 
I think women should have double mirrors in the house, so you can see your front and back 
before you leave the house. Or real friends, every woman should have real girlfriends who tell 
you about your backside. 

Okay those ones are just wearing very very small panties. Did you know undies also have sizes? why the hell would you want to buy a child's panties? and the other one is thinking white panties are okay with a white see through dress.

Anyway there is no problem regarding clothing that cannot be fixed. If you cannot do thongs or 
go full commando, think SPANXS.

Ladies and gentlemen this is a spanxs
It might not be the sexiest underwear on the planet, but that I cant deal with right now. 
The good thing about this clothing is that it also puts everything in place. Being together is key, you cannot be all over the place. Things just hanging left and right.

Have you ever wondered (and really you should only have wondered if you are very young) 
why those hollywood celebrities you like to stalk always look flawless on the red carpet in tight dresses and you are just think oh my God! they are so flawless and smooth on the backside like their asses are ironed every morning before they leave the house?, mh!

SPANX! Look closer...... Take all the time you need.

Not close enough?
Alafu ku kaa vizuri and getting out of  a car like a lady ndio utajifunza. They come in all shapes, colours and sizes so, just get your favourite. And do not forget that size is important. I do not know why women always buy a size smaller, like you are a size 14 and you are buying a 12, you do realise it is not going to make you smaller, its like in our heads we think when you undress the body will see the new small size piece and shrink to fit.

And then walk like a lady, tu small small steps, one foot infront of the other. I am positive 
you will thank me later.

Just so you do not feel bad, I am also on my way to get several as my ass is beginning 
to jiggle when I walk. Nothing to be ashamed of, happens to the best of us lazy people 
who do not take working out seriously.


I have been reading but, not sharing. This is bad, very bad. I had started this segment 
but the devil came between us.
If you are a book lover then you have heard of this stunning woman. If you have not heard 
of her you might want to reconsider the space on earth you are you are occupying because 
it is going to waste.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

And isn't she loooovelyy?? (insert Stevie Wonder's Song here)
What you want to know is that Ngozi's books are published by Kwani Trust.
Kwani Trust is a Kenyan based literary network dedicated to developing quality creative 
writing and committed to the growth of the creative industry through the publishing and distribution of contemporary African writing, offering training opportunities, producing literary events and establishing and maintaining global literary networks. Our vision is to create a 
society that uses its stories to see itself more coherently.

Ebu stand up so we can all clap for ourselves. Enyewe this our country is going places. 
Anyway Chimamanda is very very smart. 
And since I am a person who can never be left behind in that bandwagon.
I started off with  Half of a Yellow Sun.
Unaona hapo juu wameandika "Heartbreaking, funny, exquisitely written and without a doubt, 
a literary master piece and a classic"? All true oo. This is a very good book. But Pantu 
Nollywood iliaribu kila kitu in my brain, I finished that book and murmured a curse of acute diarrhoea to the person who brought Nollywood to Kenya and his offsprings to the end of 
life------I stole that curse from this book. 

I hear Half of a Yellow Sun is going Hollywood and we thank God because Nollywood would 
have killed us with Half of A Yellow Sun part 7, Half of Yellow Beyonce, Half of a Yellow Yellow
part 3. etc etc until I don't know when.
And because I was very impressed I am onto AMERIKANAH!!!

Eh this one is a favourite, I am feeling it because I was once in ze diaspora. If you are in the diaspora toka kwa nyumba saa hii huu go get this book. BRILLIANT!!! 

There is another storo I am going to piga for you in my next post, it is of that man I almost 
killed. If I had killed him, I would have gone back and killled him again. But I need further consultation with the girls.

It is FRIIDAAYYYY! and it has just rained!!! Watu wakamatane!!!! And do not forget to celebrate us, we are at 12,801 likes on FACEBOOOOOK!!!

Do you know the way the women have been fanning themselves furiously while watching this video? Including yours truly? They have just done a small video thanking the fans on facebook, alafu I go to the comment section another mama there has gone on and on and one about how she liked Sauti Sol and now they are being cheap they are talented and they do not need to do this bla bla bla - Shenzi type. Bure kabisa, she has annoyed me with her useless preaching.

Anyway I really do not feel the Friday hype, you know being unemployed and stuff. But do have a good one, a gud one, a gudu wan!