Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Braids: Care, Style & Tips

Is there any african woman who has never had braids? I dont know any. Braids are so easy, you just wake up pull back and leave. Okay that pull back story is no longer the only way to style braids, there are way way too many ways of styling braids. Try some out.

I am sure you have a good person who does yours, but Kenyatta Market is my favourite place. The speed. Tiny twisted braids now can be done in less than 3 hours!! I am so terrible with the sitting down part. Its good to have your regular person at Kenyatta Market too. Because the harassment you will receive the moment you get off the bus or your car by the braiding agents is massive. I went there 3 days after cutting my hair and one still asked me if I wanted to braid. You will be going back to the stall where you finished braiding 2 minutes ago because you forgot something and they will be asking you if you want to repair the braids, so be prepared.
I always wonder why with all this technology nobody has come up with some kind of machine where you go sit in and 20 minutes later you have your favourite braids on.

Loove Love Goapele.

You really rarely go wrong with braids. Okay there are some lengths that I find wanting. But generally braids look good. I like them in one plain colour, and by colour I mean normalish colours. Really if you are over 16, it is not necessary to have green braids.

I have noticed a braiding style that has left me a bit worried. Braiding the kenyan flag. I mean I love our flag. But to have, Black, Red, White and Green braids on your head? I think that is taking patriotism a bit too far.

Embrace the braids, they come in different sizes, lengths, shapes and style. And you know the regime of maintaining neat braids for more than 2 weeks. It includes sleeping in stockings, the stockings are on your head. There are nets for this but there is nothing like stockings, I can never do it though. Even when alone, it is the most unsightly thing I have ever seen, its like wearing a boshori. But it will keep your braids in place and they will last longer!

There are oils and sprays and everything to keep your braids shiny and neat. And we are in the perfect weather for braids. 

When done well braids I think are the best thing that ever happened to the african woman since, since we decided... well since forever. 
I have seen friends with locks, braid the locks, braids are the brake from all kinds of hair and hair styles, if you want your hair to breath, you braid them.
Love your braids and they will love you back.

See the way I recycle mine.

Its recycled, as in I had them long then long bored me so I chopped them off. Not that I rewinded braids. Seriously do I look like I rewind braids. (For those who dont know, rewinding braids, is when, and just accept you did it too, you chomoa the braids, you wash them, then braid again,  like some people still do with weaves. I know human hair weaves have to be rewinded, but it is just weird hand washing hair and then hanging hair on the line. - Not that I have not done it, but it is weird.  That is why I stick to good cheap weaves. And it is true my recycled braids do not look so tidy but its me. My excuses for things are getting better. 

ED's Note
Please visit The Glamarous Gleam for a few tips on how to style your braids. She is fantastic!

Cheers folks.


  1. lol the recycling part...hilarious

  2. You killed me with washing, hanging and rewinding braids!

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