Sunday, 27 January 2013

Four Dresses and a Party

Its Sunday again. Kwanza now just wacha I stop that storo of ati I will be trying to post everyday. It is too stale. Anyway as I have stopped copying Sai, I am back to my usual style. This is one of the dresses I got Kui, but she left it, we loved it on her, even Angelina can confirm it, but Kuis wasn't convinced, now I have taken it! Was thinking of selling it but Angelina insists I keep it.

Its from Gikosh by the way - a Dorothy Perkins. We were to go to Uhuru Park Today and I would have won this with my big hat? but devil of laziness that has entered this house is unbelievable.

Oh and that is Fanta. For those who have not met him,


Had I known a peplum could look this good in african print, ningeenda kwa fundi kitambo sana! Anyway meet my good friend Sharon. Our second stylish reader. Between she is one of my biggest supporters, and since you all wanted someone to lead the pack, here is a leader.
Now you can follow, send me pictures of your stylish selves.

This is exactly how I would have shonad this, okay by that I mean the length. I love
loooove that length  and the print is just lovely. I have printed this picture out and I am
going to the fundi kesho. And let me add that if you are going to do this length and style,
 do it like Sharon, keep it simple. The african print in its self is usually very busy and
majestic on its own. Dont try many madoidos like this girl below.
But I get the idea, I know what they were trying to do with that yellow. The heels are nice though, and I can tell from the look on her face that she too is not convinced by that dress. This outfit is not part of the the 4 dresses on the heading, it is a dress yes, but, well just no.

Anyway having been inspired by Sharon, I went to google to get more inspiration, well I did not get any that I think beats Sharon today, look at that yellow dress up there. But I came across this blogger Nelo, she is really good check her out. I love her already.
Nelo is blogging at FASHIONATI go visit. Look at how pretty she looks in that dress. 


So fashion things are happening and for a good course, Liz just brought this to my attention, the Fashion High Tea; it was on Caroline Mutoko's wall, now this looks like an event I must attend, lakini the damages!! Anyway I am trying to reach the Grace. But now that she has not responded maybe all of you should just call her and tell her, "Dama has to come to that thing on our behalf!!!! ebu give her a  ticket!!" Maybe she will listen to you.

Thats about it for today. Talk soon.


  1. When are you starting your clothing label? Can you do both women and men when you do this?

  2. Dama as always love your blog..please get me several dresses like the Dorothy Perkins..Thanks hun..FYI I'm still chasing the Iman lead..

    1. Sawa! Will let you know when I get the dresses. maybe next week. If that lead does not work, maybe you should consider bringing them in yourself?.

  3. concerned sister27 January 2013 at 08:46

    Sweetie seeing as you have evolved in your own sense of style don't you think you should change the title now? I mean I know Sai and we have friends in common and all but I just couldn't get over the title I understand the concept you had when you first started but going through your posts you are doing very well on your own stylewise. Please don't be offended I just like for people to believe in themselves so one day you can also have younger upcoming bloggers looking up to you and wanting to recreate your style like you did with Sai.

  4. Hey Sister, There is a post on there blog tittled "Thanking Sai and acknowledging crazy Tuesday" in there I am ending the experiment and have even asked my readers to come up with suggestions. Just haven't found an appropriate sub tittle. The blog in itself is actually called Toi Market. And am getting new readers everyday. So I want them too to get what the blog is about. But changing the subtitle is in the pipe don't worry.

  5. Dama, what do you mean if you had known the peplum look was good in African print? I feel like Africans (well, West and the new generation kitenge designers) have been on to that trend before it came (back :-)) I have some from Dakar and for sure I did not know it was happening. how are you ?!

    - Judith

    1. Judith
      I have not seen a good one, what I have seen is the kind that girl in yellow has going on. which I really dont like. Sharon has done it quite well. I am good, how is your end?

    2. I agree with Judith, was also surprised when I learned peplum was a "trend". I had a tailor made dress growing up that incorporated it, I just didn't know it had a name....The dress Sharon is wearing is just divine! I like the simplicity and how understated the prints are, it's good for work or play. The green printed one is also really nice. For the yellow dress I think they wanted to accent the hints of that same colour in the rest of the dress. Problem is they put two flaps and the result is something very busy :(. Execution is clearly very important. Also I've noticed peplum dresses or tops draw the eye to the waist and hips. So for those who might want to downplay those areas, maybe they should stay away?


    3. Susan, I couldn't agree more . Do i owe you a card in the post?

  6. Dama The Dorothy Perkins dress is simply lovely...would u reconsider selling. The length ,colour, jst what am looking for, for a sunday afternoon. And The blog awesome...BravĂ´

    1. Winter thanks sana sana for the props! of course I would reconsider, do you have my number we strike a deal?

  7. Winter, glad you got the dress!! olease take some pictures on the beach and send them!!

  8. I needed the Dorothy Perkins dress more but seeing as is I'm late :(

  9. maybe try auctioning

    1. Next time, there is always a next time:-) maybe your will be better than this! But Winter ako chonjo on these dresses:-)

  10. Oh my! I am just seeing this. Thanks dear. Love your blog
