Friday, 16 November 2012

Of Good Things To Come

Hallo my good people, as you have gathered, I am ill, now I dont know if it is true sickness or it is some lethal cools we have here in the house that I over ate, but anyway am feeling unwell, I have taken some tablets and drinking Juliet's concoction that includes apple cider religiously (I have added a little  vodka to taste)

Those beautiful younglings up there are the Sarakasi dancers of SARAKASI TRUST; I am sure you know I went to lecture them on good grooming, style and make up. I had a fantastic time, they were very good to me, and we are going to do a follow up. Great kids, they just need a little help and we are on the correct path. I was honored and humbled that they asked me to come and talk to their younglings on this matter that is close to my heart. Thank you.

Really humbled, just the other day I started this project,  now I have 1800 likes on our facebook page, almost 14000 views on this blog. Good things, I feel all kinds of giddy just writing that, I dont know if I should start writing my thank you speech:-)
Anyway Thank you for supporting my course, and I hope we are all learning.

I know you are expecting pictures, and I hope there are some coming my way as you can imagine I could not talk and take my own pictures:-)


My brand new friend Vanessa and some of her friends have organised a free market! By free I mean there is no gate fees! As you can see over there FREE ENTRANCE. This one I am going to for sure!!! And all the Kili Mums am sure will be there too (there is a Facebook page for Kilimani Mums).
Come lets shop, meet new people, business partners and drink some good wine, (the drinking wine part I have just added though it is not on the flyer, but the event is at DIVINO, I expect wine!) Vanessa has promised me that the prices will be very damaris friendly, and you know what that means. So I hope to see you there. Please carry enough money and some extra for my wine, you all need to start donating towards this project:-)

Between I like the whole Kilimani Moms idea, being neighbours digitally. Now that these days you cant just pop into your neighbours house and ask for salt because you ran out of some and your husband is about to walk through the door wanting his dinner!

I highly suggest that the Buru, South B, Kawangware, Karen, Mlolongo, Kitengela, Runda, Uthiru etc etcetera moms to follow suit! in the spirit of being neighbourly, si ati when you are stuck you have to run all the way to your friend at the other end of the city.

I got some great feedback on my last post, people celebrating their mothers, sisters, sistas and just about any woman who has inspired them, I am glad. Please keep reminding them, tell them when they are here, that you are glad they share their lives with you.
No need to make a loooooong eulogy at my funeral and while I was here you never said anything. So when someone comes up to you at my wake (you will for sure be holding a glass of your favourite poison in your hands and dressed to the nines, you must in my honor) and ask, why dont you say something, you can just smile and say "she knew" and continue sipping:-))

I am not going to the mingle I have just decided that now. Whoever is going send me photos, I will play kati here next week with those who want to come visit, tuko na space mob, I will use that 1500 to buy medicine. I will make an appearance on the next Mingle episode!

I also did get some feedback on ladies wanting to loose weight ref: Angelina's photo from previous post, a girl has gone to Mombasa to chill by the beach, you know how you just want to take your new self to the beach, anyway she informs me that those who want to reach her to know more about her diet plan, to do so by sending her a message on facebook she is Kui Koinange. Click, inbox her and get info.

Nairobi is on FIRE!

So word is on the streets that the one and only Eryka Badu is coming to town!!!! Yaani if you want to see a groupie come that day, you shall see me in full glory!! love love Eryka. I shall kesha at the gate of the evetn just to be sure I get a good seat. Or maybe I should just go meet her at the airport, then stalk her to her hotel, wait outside the window of her room, to give her the full groupie treatment ile ya wazungu. 

The other person coming is ... DRUM ROLLS PLEASE and insert a soundtrack!
Now judging by the trend while putting into consideration the artists who have graced our presence this year, including James Ingram, Joe, Tarrus Riley and CeCe Winans! I am sure Patti La Belle might just visit us, and if she comes, I will go see her then just wait for the Lord to come and take me home in peace, as I shall not want for anything else. (and if it takes him another 100 years to come for me I shall not question his judgement) AMEN.


The Travelling Red Dress Project.
My good friend Lulu Mbela of Poisa and Fashion Photographer Barbara Minishi have teamed up and are having a project that they are working on for the fashion front. It is a photography project. Patricia has designed the dress and Barbara will be doing the photography.
So please keep it here, as I will be giving you full update on this project that I already love. Knowing Lulu and her designs, I hope this dress makes all the travelling it must make and finally come home to me where she belongs.

Do have a great Weekend!

I am still waiting for those photos of your fabulous self, as I want to start featuring my readers on this blog, this is a joint project, you know?

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